Belaid Nadia - permanenzagalleriaroma

Antonio Randazzo da Siracusa con amore
Arte e Artisti
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Belaid Nadia

Belaid Nadia
Cell (+216) 22 67 79 71

Permanent Address
Rue Ibn Abi Dhir El Ghaffar, Immeuble El Amwèj, App A1,
Khazama Est, 4051 Sousse, Tunisie

UNIVERSITY of Sousse Tunisia ,High Institute of Fine Art of Sousse
Bachelor’s in of visual arts specialty painting June 2011
High School graduate in Natural Sciences June 2006
International work experiences

Organization of the set up of the artistic exhibition in “RHIBAT” of SOUSSE by the High Institute of Arts of Sousse : November 2010

12 participants from Tunisia
Several activities:
• Painting exhibition
• Sculpture exhibition
• Ceramic exhibition
• The opening ceremony started by Minister for Agriculture of Tunisia

Participating in the set up of the artistic exhibition and exchange between artists to Vizile (Grenoble) and Tunisian artists in Mahdia : Novembre 2010

10 participants from Vizile and Tunisia
Several activities:
• Workshop dècoppatche
• Workshop patchwork
• Aquarelle
• Incrustation sur mousse

Organization and participation in set up of the artistic exhibition in the port “el Kantaoui” Sousse Tunisia : “The Beautiful Star”
by the Association of Plastic Arts of Sousse July 2010

26 participants from Iraq, Algeria, America and Tunisia.
several activities :
• Permanent exhibition over 15 days, from 17 July to 31 July 2010
• Paintings on display for the incoming public
• Sculpture
• Concerts of Traditional Arabic music
• Photography courses
• Comedy
• Celebration if the work of “Ali Khouja”
• Exhibition of collative project The work of art in an opened space”

Organization of the artistic exhibition:
“No title” in the café ‘L café’: 15 to 31January 2010

10 participants from Canada, France and Tunisia

Organizisation and Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition:
“No Man’s Land” in L cafe shop 9 to 20 October 2009

exhibition of 10 artists from Canada, France and Tunisia

Participation in the “JEPTAV” journeys 2010-2009-2007

Approximately 2500 participants from Canada, France, Japan, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Italia and Tunisia each year.

*2010 activities :

Theatrical costume workshop: Performance playing the role of “Andrea Ghandi” creating of garment and accessory

*2009 activities :

Jewelry workshop
Showroom jewelry
Theatrical play “A perfect world”: Theatrical playing the role of “TV Madame”

*2007 activities:

Painting workshop.

Participation in the setting up the artistic exhibition : “Mediterranean Journey of Plastics Arts Sousse” December 2008

• Painting Workshop
• Exhibition
• Traditional Arabic music

Approximately 50 participants from Italy and Tunisia

Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition : “the International Festival of Plastic Arts of “Mahres”” August 2005
• Painting Workshop
• Exhibition
• Sculptor

Approximately 300 participants from Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, German, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, England and Tunisia
Stage nella Galleria Roma

National Collective Work

Organizing and Participating in Cultural event “ Sprit Revolution” In Monastir
9 March 2011

Organizing and Participating in the Cultural event “ Les couleurs de la Revolution” Boujjafar Sousse 19 Fèvrier 2011
organized by the APS de Sousse “Assosiation des Arts Plastiques de Sousse”

Organizing and Participating in the Cultural event “La Revolution en couleur”
13 Fèvrier 2011
organized by the APS de Sousse “Assosiation des Arts Plastiques de Sousse” and Relais culturel Yaha Ibne Ommar Sousse

Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition in JAMMEL SOUSSE TUNISIA: Janvier 2011

Exhibition organized by the APS de Sousse “Assosiation des Arts Plastiques de Sousse”

Organizing and Participating in the setting up photography exhibition “SHOOOF”: December 2010/ Janvier 2011

Exhibition organized by the APS de Sousse and FAPM de Mahdia at Café Road66 Khezama Est Sousse

Organizing and Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition in Hotel Samara SOUSSE TUNISIA: November 2010

Exhibition organized by the APS de Sousse “Assosiation des Arts Plastiques de Sousse” and Judo

Organizing and Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition in Kalaa Kabira SOUSSE TUNISIA: November 2010

Exhibition organized by the APS de Sousse “Assosiation des Arts Plastiques de Sousse”

Participation in the setting up artistic photography “Focus 2”exhibition: August 2010

Photography exhibition organized by The Association of Fine Arts of Mahdia
Display of approximately 15 photographs

Organizing and Participating in the setting up the artistic exhibition :
“the spring “Hamem Sousse” festival” March 2010

Theatrical costume Workshop: Performance playing the role of “Andrea Gandhi”
creating of garment and accessory

Participation in the artistic exhibition : July 2008

Workshop Mural painting with the Tunisian association and art education

Participation in the volunteer day organized by the association of deaf and mute people March 2007

Participation in the artistic exhibition : March 2006

Exhibition organized by the Tunisian association and Art education

Participation in the artistic exhibition September 2006
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