Atkinson Elisabet - permanenzagalleriaroma

Antonio Randazzo da Siracusa con amore
Arte e Artisti
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Atkinson Elisabet

Atkinson Elisabet

Nata il 9 settembre 1968 a Wigan, Regno Unito
Attualmente  vive e lavora a Siracusa. Dal 2003 al 2005 - Professoressa di Arte al Mediterranean Centre of Arts and Sciences e docente d'Inglese a Siracusa dal 1999 -2005 al United College.
Titoli di Studio:
Master nel ' European Fine Art 1994 - Winchester School of Art, Barcelona, Sp.
Laurea in Ceramiche, Livello Superiore 2:1- Bath College of H.E, Regno Unito.
Diploma di Arte Nazionale, conseguito al Wigan College, Regno Unito.
Permanenza in Scuole per artisti:
Salisbury, Inghilterra Norihaw School - Arte e scenografia per teatro. 1994.
Wigan College, Inghilterra Artist in Residence Ceramiche e Litografia. 1991
Art workshops: Yammamoto, Barcelona, Spagna-Printmaking
L'ecole des beaux artes, Rouen, Francia-Printmaking

Mostre di Arte:
Coins-Londra, 1998 litografìa foto
Basingstoke Arts Fair litografia, disegni
Winchester Gallery Libri artisichi, litografia
Britsh Council, Barcelona litografia e acquatinta
Mostra di Studio 'y liio e installazione
Wigan Int. Arts Festival Ceramiche, Disegni e foto
Rossiters, Bath Ceramiche
Bath College of Art, 1991 Ceramiche e litografia

Curriculum Vitae.

Name: Elizabeth Atkinson

Address: Via Cavour 32, Siracusa 96100, Sicily, Italy.

Born: Wigan, U.K 09/09/68

Tel: 00393381575765 Italy. 00441257423924 U.K


Education: M.A. in European Fine Art (Printmaking) 1994, Winchester School
of Art, Barcelona, Spain.

B.A Hons. in Ceramics (3Ddesign) 2:1 1991, Bath College of H.E,
Bath, U.K.

B.T.E.C National Diploma in Art (Merit) 1988, Wigan College of
Technology, Wigan, U.K.

Trinity TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages) 1996, Oxford House College, London, U.K.

A Levels: Art/ English Language/ Literature 1987, Wigan College.

O Levels: Art/ French/ History/ English Language/ English
Literature 1985, Standish High School.

Languages: Italian. Basic French and Spanish .

Current Employment:

Sicily: 2005 United College,Siracusa. Part –Time English Teaching /Exhibition work.
A range of different levels, adults, children and Business English.
Employment History:
Sicily: 2002-May 05 The Mediterranean Centre for Arts and Sciences. Art Professor on Study Abroad Programme. I was responsible for teaching and student exhibitions.

Oxford: 2003 (Summer) Leisure Director at Oxford Intensive School
of English, OISE Oxford, U.K (Same job, Summers 2000, 2001)
I was responsible for the organization of the Leisure programme,
budget management, trips, activities and sports direction.

Sicily: 2001-02 English Teacher at The United College, Siracusa.

Sicily: 2000-01 English Teacher at The British Institute, Siracusa.
Again all levels taught including F.C.E and Translations.

Sicily: 1999-00 English Teacher at The United College, Siracusa.
As above.

U.S.A: 1998-99 Work abroad. Boat building, Floristry, Management of
Java Lounge Coffee Shop.

Oxford, Winchester, Bath, English Teacher at O.I.S.E Summer
Schools 1996,1997, 1999.

Artist in Residence:

Salisbury: 1994-95 Northaw Prep.School. Taught art workshops, and
theatre design.

Wigan: 1991-92 Wigan College. Taught Foundation level Art, B.T.E.C
Printmaking and completed own ceramic and drawing work for Wigan
International Arts Exhibition.

Print Workshops:
Barcelona, Spain- 1992 Yammamoto Etching Workshop.
Rouen, France- 1993 L’Ecole des Beaux Arts.

Interests :

I am interested in art and travelling to experience different cultures. I have spent the last seven years abroad first in the u.s.a and then Italy, I have also lived in Barcelona, Spain. I like most sports and have participated in various team and individual events.
I am now painting on silk and exhibiting my work again, see site.

Hold current U.k Driving Licence .

References: On request.

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